Archive for June, 2021

New Book on Covid19 Challenges “Official Truth” Narrative

June 24, 2021

New Book on Covid19 Challenges "Official Truth" Narrative

A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear,
Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

An independent scientific review fails to confirm

the central claims of the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA,
alarmist media and political tyrants.

by James DeMeo, PhD

Pre-Order Now at discount, the book will ship out after the first week of July.

Facts Vs. Error
Truth Vs. Censorship

Natural scientist James DeMeo reviewed the CDC, WHO and medical arguments and data about the claimed USA Covid-19 pandemic, finding numerous serious problems in basic scientific methods and claimed causality:

* Covid-19 deaths are 81% confined to elderly people over 65 nearing end-of-life, each of whom has an average of 4 pre-existing deadly comorbidities.

* Excess Mortality due to claimed Covid-19 disease, without preexisting deadly comorbidities, is only around 5000 to 18,000 deaths for all of 2020.

* Many of the elderly with those comorbidities were transferred out of hospitals into nursing homes, where other elderly with already weak immune systems succumbed to similar comorbidities, worsened by inhuman lockdown-masking-isolation policies.

* PCR and antigen testing methods are wildly inaccurate, not specific to any corona virus, and cross-react with other DNA/RNA fragments from prior exposures.

* "PCR Confirmed Cases" do not predict who will succumb to Covid-19 sickness or death. Most "positive" people are asymptomatic, non-infectious and never get sick.

* Symptoms of Covid-19 are nearly indistinguishable from seasonal influenza or pneumonia, and they all have a seasonally variable incidence, with far more cases and deaths in wintertime than in summer. This undermines the viral pandemic theory.

* Lockdowns, forced masking and anti-social distancing have protected nobody, and have instead dramatically increased human despair, misery, illness and deaths. The economic ruin and emotional anxiety from such inhuman, prison-like isolation of the elderly have killed most of the people claimed as due to "Covid-19".

* Hospitals and doctors were paid extra sums by government health agencies to lie and reclassify the many comorbidity deaths as "Covid-19", to jack up the numbers. People died of their deadly pre-existing diseases and conditions, not Covid-19.

* Ending of lockdowns, forced masking and isolation have not led to an increase in cases or deaths, just the opposite. The "New Normal" is iatrogenic murder.

* Many ignorant or compromised physicians, mainstream media stars and internet billionaires have colluded with the worst of power-drunk government bureaucrats and pharmaceutical profiteers, to censor and criminalize scientific dissent. They systematically ignore the deadly consequences of totalitarian lockdowns, and scare the public into obedience to a growing Medical Police State. The unnecessary experimental mRNA vaccines have already killed more Americans than all post-1990 vaccination programs combined! They also push for Nazi-like "vaccine passports" and other inhuman segregationist policies.

* All the above points are well-documented and fully referenced.

A truth-teller speaks, on the falsity of just about everything “official” as related to Covid-19.

June 5, 2021

A truth-teller speaks, on the falsity of just about everything "official" as related to Covid-19.

Watch the video at this weblink.

Dr. Scott Atlas – Trump’s former C19 task force spox – basically repeats what I’ve been saying for months, and what’s in my forthcoming book, that the public health officials have not shown one speck or hint of concern for the consequences to public health by their irrational, unscientific and deadly dictates to lock down, force masking, inhuman antisocial distancing, and so forth. THEIR POLICIES AND ACTIONS is what killed the majority of people claimed to have died from Covid19.

Also, beware the damned mRNA arm-jabs, now claiming more lives than all other vaccines have, cumulatively, since 1990, when the VAERS data system was set up. Also a record of toxic reactions, mild to near-death severe.

My new book is now at the printer for creation of a final proof. Will go on pre-publication discounted sale in about a week, with shipping internationally about a week or two thereafter.

James DeMeo, PhD

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"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
– George Orwell

The Most Prolific Serial Killer In American History: Anthony Fauci

June 3, 2021

The Most Prolific Serial Killer In American History: Anthony Fauci

America’s own Dr. Mengele. Trump should have fired him. Biden should do so now. He should have been fired way back in the AIDS years, when his policies to rush out AZT and other toxic meds put tens of thousands of people into early graves. The Banality of Evil. And Yet, people worship him, still do, as he steps on their faces, demands child abuse for medical reasons, and pisses on the graves of their dead relatives, never cracking a smile. Dr. Dead Face. With a global mass psychoses, a Mass Psychology of Fascism, worshiping the powerful bureaucrat, the closest America got to a Hitler figure, but yet it was, as with Hitler, the too easy acquiescence, the easy "going along" with all his dictates, copied by numerous politicians and the power-hungry at every level of society, that empowered him. Liar. Profiteer. Colluder with Communist tyrants. Unmoved by the misery and death his deadly junk-science commands created. Read and share the article. And Never Forget. When all this is over, every politician, bureaucrat, medical "expert" and policeman who enforced these diktats should pay a heavy personal price. The unnecessary 500,000+ dead Americans demand it.


James DeMeo, PhD

James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab

Ashland, Oregon, USA
e-mail: demeo(at)mind(dot)net

Published Articles, Reports, Videos and Books

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Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 mass hysteria, soon to be released:
COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies
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"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
– George Orwell

What a Nice Shot! (sarc)

June 1, 2021

What a Nice Shot! (sarc)

Ooops! Well, they TOLD you it was "experimental", didn’t they? (NO they did not, but most figured that out before lining up to get it.) What a nice injection, of all sorts of bio-garbage and "adjuvant" poisons.