Archive for January, 2022

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Delivers Historic Address At DC March

January 23, 2022

Libs waking up to the fraud of Covid?

January 22, 2022

Testing, this is a test.

January 21, 2022

This is a test, And only a test.

I’m moving away from all the censoring, hostile and lie-only internet media. My FB and Twit accounts are immobilized, at the edge of being banned for telling the truth about Covid and many other things. But first I must see how the WordPress system works to embed weblinks and photos from websites I reference. Here goes:

WordPress only allows a limited list of websites for auto-embed and posting, and that is restricted to a list of leftist news or info sources. All else won’t allow such an easy procedure, such as this item from – a dominant conservative news website under severe censorship attack and slander by the Left. This above image took a half-hour to copy from another embed news source, convert from tiff to jpg, then paste here, then to add the original websource to make the image clickable. Plus the time to write the original text. May be workable but triple the time required for the same thing on FB.