Archive for July, 2021

INCREDIBLE! Massive Protests Worldwide Against China Virus Vaccine Passports

July 31, 2021

INCREDIBLE! Massive Protests Worldwide Against China Virus Vaccine Passports

The "papers" that broke the camel’s back. Leftist Governments may fall, which if they don’t back down would be a good thing. Also ask yourself, if your favorite lefty news outfit allowed you to learn about this, or not. I would bet, not.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it is censored out of existence:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Dr. James DeMeo podcast interview on his orgone energy research with Dr. Thomas Cowan

July 31, 2021

Dr. James DeMeo podcast interview on his orgone energy research with Dr. Thomas Cowan

I was recently interviewed for a podcast by Dr. Thomas Cowan, on the subject of my orgone energy research and experiments. That video is now available for viewing:

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 31: James DeMeo

My thanks to Dr. Cowan for the opportunity to present my research findings.

The two books which are recommended at the end of the video can be purchased in the USA directly from my institute’s on-line bookstore:

"The Orgone Accumulator Handbook"
"The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space"

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the books from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.


Make No Mistake. You Are Living Under the Perfect Censorship.

July 30, 2021

Make No Mistake. You Are Living Under the Perfect Censorship.

We who have lived in communist countries recognize the signs: American freedom of speech and thought are hanging on by a thread.

READ IT. No excuses. Or just admit you are terribly ignorant about what’s going on in the USA and globally, or maybe you like the policies of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and the rest of the brutal totalitarians?

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it is censored out of existence:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Maryland Nurse Reports On Vaccination Catastrophe

July 30, 2021

Maryland Nurse Reports On Vaccination Catastrophe

Facebook threatened to nix my account if I dared to post this video, of a front-line nurse speaking truth to power, RE: the experimental mRNA vaccines. Watch it, and then ponder how much like Communist China we become. Times are getting very dangerous indeed, but not from co video. If you haven’t already, get my book which will summarize all these kinds of problems, not only with the vaccines but mostly with the entire Covid-19 body of theory and claimed "fact". As in the title, "a pandemic of ignorance, fear, hysteria and ‘official truth’ lies." And please share this and my other posts, to both those in the Rebel Alliance, and to supporters of the Evil Empire.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed:

July 30, 2021

CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed:

Biden admin is "following the seance", not following the science. Just today, the CDC reverses itself from the day previously. As I said, they are "making it up as they go along".
Quote: "VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 518,770 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 11,940 deaths and 63,102 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 23, 2021."

What is it about 11.9 thousand dead Americans that causes the medical profession, government bureaucrats, internet billionaires and mainstream media to just shut their eyes and stop their ears to such massive numbers of deaths, relying upon ineffective brute censorship to try and "solve the problem"? In prior years, as described in my new book (see below) only 54 deaths was cause enough to halt distribution of the Swine Flu vaccine.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus:

July 28, 2021

New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus:

Vaccinated Americans, you may be the "new variant" super-spreaders. So too bad for you, CDC now "orders" you to also MASK UP just like the untermensche un-vaccinated. Bottom line: Nobody in leadership at the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, etc., has a clue about what they are doing… making it up as they go along. Masking did not stop Covid, vaccines did not stop Covid. Maybe something is wrong with the entire "Covid theory". Heaven’s forbid that someone might dare say the Emperor Wears No Clothes!

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Exposing the CDC’s Covid Lies in One Sentence

July 27, 2021

Exposing the CDC’s Covid Lies in One Sentence

"Only the sick governing elites can look you in the eye with a straight face and force experimental injections on you because masks didn’t work, while simultaneously forcing masks on you because the injections didn’t work." – Daniel Horowitz

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

If ‘Vaccines’ Work, Why Is the CDC Reinstating Face Mask Guidelines?

July 27, 2021

If ‘Vaccines’ Work, Why Is the CDC Reinstating Face Mask Guidelines?

Good question. Factually, they have no scientific foundations to stand upon. The next question is, will Americans tolerate more of this charade?

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

COVID spreading fast in well-vaccinated California counties

July 27, 2021

COVID spreading fast in well-vaccinated California counties

Health Bureaucracy: Get the Covid Vaccine, so you can more easily "test positive" for Covid, and then have your life ruined by forced lockdown, firings, being treated like a leper, etc. After all, who you gonna believe? The Big Media Internet Billionaire Chinese Communist censors, who block every criticism of the PCR tests, the Covid Vaccines and so on? Or the official data summarized by honest journalists doing their homework, from a small city newspaper?

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Higher COVID Rate Found In CA Counties With Higher Vaccination Rate

July 27, 2021

Higher COVID Rate Found In Some CA Counties With Higher Vaccination Rate – Why, And What It Says About The Delta Variant

It seems that whatever the "top experts" in the government health bureaucracy say, the truth is exactly the opposite.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important new book critical of Covid19 theory and mass hysteria:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.