Archive for September, 2020

Orgone Energy Experiments, Proof of Cosmic Ether – My Lecture Videos from the 2020 ESTC Conference

September 21, 2020

Orgone Energy Experiments,
Proof of Cosmic Ether
James DeMeo’s Lecture Videos from the
2020 Energy Space Technology Conference (ESTC)

These lecture videos from the June 2020 ESTC Conference are now available for a YouTube Preview, and download purchase.


My first lecture was on
"Orgone Energy Experiments – Part 2".

This Part 2 was continued from my 2019 Part 1 ESTC Conference lecture of similar title. Preview videos, as well as the full lectures for internet download, from both 2019 and 2020, are linked on the above Emediapress website. The Previews are free, while the full lecture videos, with Powerpoint slides, are available for a fee, from the same Emediapress website.

A direct weblink to the YouTube Preview of this lecture is also found on the Emedia website above, but try this one also:

For greater detail, Purchase my updated 3rd edition of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook (now at 260 pages) if you haven’t already, from our on-line bookstore:


My second lecture was on
"The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space – Part 2".

This Part 2 was continued from my 2019 Part 1 ESTC Conference lecture of similar title. Preview videos, as well as the full lectures for internet download, from both 2019 and 2020, are linked on the above Emediapress website. The Previews are free, while the full lecture videos, with Powerpoint slides, are available for a fee, from the same Emediapress website.

A direct weblink to the YouTube Preview of this lecture is also found on the Emedia website above, but try this one also:

For greater detail, Purchase my book The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space if you haven’t already, from our on-line bookstore:


Donations to Support my Research are
most Welcomed and Necessary!

Share this widely!
Thank You!

James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA

The Fire Situation Near OBRL

September 13, 2020

The Fire Situation Near OBRL
James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL, Ashland, Oregon, USA
13 September 2020

Four people arrested for INTENTIONALLY starting blazes as wildfires rage.

Thanks to all who inquired about my personal safety and conditions at the OBRL center in rural Oregon. The OBRL Center was never threatened directly with fire, but I am definitely NOT "OK" with the social situation that led to such massive arson wildfires so close to us, and more widely across the Western USA.

Close to OBRL, one major fire, the Almeda Fire, roared north from Ashland on Tuesday Sept 8th, and within a few hours had consumed most of the small towns of Talent and Phoenix, then pushing on north into the outskirts of Medford. Then a second big fire, the Obenchain fire, spread out across a big area north of Howard Prairie Reservoir, consuming mostly scrub and grassland, along with many additional homes.
(zoom in)

These fires were quite a distance from the OBRL headquarters, which is about 20 miles outside of Ashland, in the mountains, and about the same distance from the fires.

The fires were started by arsonists, with one multiple-offender in custody. The first arson was started in North Ashland, and a body was found at that scene, with investigations continuing. A second hot-spot was started by the arrested arson suspect near Phoenix, a few miles to the north.

Perhaps a dozen police arrests were made for arson-set fires from WA to CA on that same day, giving the appearance of coordinated arson attacks. There were no weather events taking place, no thunderstorms or similar that could result in fires from lightning strikes.

Series of wildfires on the West Coast may be “coordinated and planned” attack

‘Antifa are thrilled to hear this’: Portland police ask protesters not to start blazes amid statewide wildfire emergency

ISIS Claims Escalating Use of Wildfire Arson as Terror Tactic

Some have asked me about cloudbusting as a means to oppose such wildfires. This has limited possibilities. I’ve done such work before, with help from my associates, on the Oakland Hills wildfire in 1991, and also the Yellowstone Park wildfire in 1988. Both were ended with good unforecasted rains in the first case, and a "surprise snowstorm" in the second case. However in both instances, the cloudbuster devices were at the ready in optimal locations to oppose the worst of the strong winds fanning the flames, and consequently much could be done. This was not possible in the most severe of West Coast situations. My publications discuss such past efforts in detail.

In the case of the Almeda and Obenchain fires, a persisting high pressure with intensive southerly-desert winds existed. At the time I was in central Oregon not able to respond in any timely manner, and the fires blocked my ability to return home except by great detours over back roads. The Almeda fire was largely exhausted and put out by fire-fighters on the following morning, after immense damage was already done.

Overall cloudbusting to end wildfires is risky business, as any quick solution towards rain-making can bring winds which spread the fires over larger areas, and puts the lives of local people and the fire crews at risk. It is possible, however, to calm down the winds which are feeding the fires, if one knows how to do it, and has the proper equipment, and is located in a position where one might be able to accomplish that task (ie, directly upwind). A longer-term approach is to work against droughts before they become severe and prone to rapid conflagration by fire.

The best drought-abatement procedures are to start at the edge of a drought zone, before any conflagration, slowly bringing in moist air towards the core of the drought region, using a transportable cloudbuster. However, those are generally large projects requiring considerable funding and logistical support to accomplish such a task. Given the lack of public support — or outright hostility to such efforts — such ambitious efforts are rarely undertaken. My dream, of 40 years ago, to set up a "Drought Emergency" program, a kind of "Cloudbuster Fire Department" organization, for ending droughts and combating persisting wildfires, was never able to assemble the necessary funding, in spite of many successes where I led teams of skilled volunteers, even being invited overseas to apply the methods as developed by Reich. Today, the number of people who truly know Reich’s work, and don’t distort it, are few, a vanishing breed.

One major obstacle has always been the Reich-haters, sometimes posturing as "Reich supporters", who ignore and distort his findings and thereby apply the cloudbusting methods with great error and either no results, or disastrous results. By my general estimate, there are around 10 different unskilled and arrogantly ignorant cloudbuster operators on the West Coast, people who haven’t the foggiest idea of what they are doing, and yet have built multiple cloudbuster-type devices, often with the mission to "repulse demons" in their heads, or to "fight chemtrails", and to heck with any bad influences upon the weather. These people use devices I call "cloud killers". When they set up a network of such gadgets, drought and wildfire is not far behind. Today, they even steal Reich’s terms, calling their gadgets "cloudbusters", and their related pyramid-puck ornaments "orgone accumulators". From YouTube, I also found fully ignorant people who boast of having 20 or so different "sort-of" cloudbuster-type devices and people in their "networks" within California alone, claiming to be "ending droughts all over" at the very time serious drought and fires wer gripping California. The most obvious mistakes in unskilled and error-prone "cloudbuster" activity is to increase the spread and severity of drought, rather than ending drought.

In any case, I’ve already written about such problems here:

While the OBRL Center was not directly affected by this wildfire, we are prompted by it to upgrade the existing fire-safe defensive measures on the property. Meanwhile, the levels of social chaos, and of insane or politically-motivated arsonists is not going to vanish anytime soon. Wise people will prepare for it.

Two Videos Exposing the Dangers of Lockdowns, and the Entire Covid19 hysteria.

September 6, 2020

Two Videos Exposing the Dangers of Lockdowns, and the Entire Covid19 hysteria.

Here are two must-see videos, well worth the time.

WSJ Op-Ed: The Failed Experiment of COVID-19 Lockdowns
This first video of around 6 minutes is by a statistical expert Donald Luskin, who tracked human mobility using cell phone data, to gauge how “isolated” people have been inside their homes during the “lockdown pandemic”. Before Covid19, location data on cell phones showed tremendous movement from place to place. During lockdowns, they showed an intense pattern of static non-movement inside people homes. Those “mobility” data were then compared to Covid cases and deaths. When the different states were segregated according to strict lockdowns verus no lockdowns, a clear pattern emerged. Those states with the harshest lockdowns and lowest mobility, as in New York, had the worst record of cases and deaths, while those states avoiding lockdowns, even with moderate measures regarding indoor masking (or without) such as Florida or Georgia, did much better. The printed version of his findings appeared on the webpage of the Wall Street Journal (for subscribers only), but a video interview with the author covers the basics.  (Click on the url, not the picture)

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SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy
This second video, of nearly an hour, is a lecture by physician Lee Merritt, MD, at a Las Vegas medical conference of Covid dissenters, presenting evidence that Covid19 hysteria and deception are driving everyone into panic and self-destructive, even deadly behavior. She exposes the war against public health in which modern medicine (and dentistry) enjoy a state-imposed near monopoly, and almost unitary parroting voice of a manufactured “official truth”. By pharmaceutical links to mainstream media and internet giants, they are able to routinely censor out and erase the voices of those who expose fraud, deceit and error in medicine and science, or whose discoveries threaten existing toxic and lucrative “medicines”.  (Click on the url, not the picture)

I rarely suggest such long videos, but this one is excellent, covering a lot of territory, exposing unethical authoritarianism, financial looting of the US Treasury, and tyranny within the “expert” class of medical/scientific technicians. I learned of this video from the Dr. Mercola website (articles dot mercola dot com) which is widely censored by FB and Twitter, as are many, many other medical websites that disagree with the “official truth” deceptions of Covid.

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“First, Do No Harm” — Hippocrates *

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer **

* Physicians oath, regrettably no longer required in many (or most) medical schools.

** Priest in Nazi Germany, who dared to speak out against the Nazis, and was arrested, imprisoned, tortured and executed.

Visit my Facebook page for more routine updates with a dissenting perspective. I am “shadow-banned” there (like in Communist China) so to get my items, you must usually log in with them, and then visit my FB page directly.

James DeMeo, PhD