Archive for the ‘Left-Fascism’ Category

And while I’m on the subject of Rightist slanders of Reich….

January 26, 2012

Here’s a one-star review posted to in January 2011, regarding
Daniel Flynn’s book, A Conservative History of the American Left.


Unreliable book containing errors and sexual slander
By James DeMeo (Oregon, USA)

This book has merit in exposing some of the ugly details of the American left-wing and "progressive" history few people know about. However, the author Daniel Flynn is not an exacting scholar and in many places his citations don’t add up, or he makes outrageous claims without validating references. And in some places, he collapses into use of sexual slander to attack the innocent, right along with the guilty.

Take for example the six or so pages where he mentioned the Austrian anti-Nazi freedom fighter, Wilhelm Reich, who temporarily joined with the Communist Party in Germany against the Hitlerites. Reich later was thrown out of the CP in 1932 for his pro-freedom anti-communist positions. But Flynn cares not for such facts, and so repeats some of the same lies and sexual slander originally hurled against Reich by the very same left-wing Marxist factions. So we have the spectre of an American conservative relying upon left-wing smears from the 1950s media, attacking an American conservative anti-Communist, but referencing only his very early period of youthful European associations. That’s not only historically inaccurate and unfair, but with the added nasty bits of sexual slander, is a typical ploy of yellow journalism.

So Flynn lumps Reich in with the twisted Kinsey group and all the left-radical sexual freedom-peddlers (that’s what Reich called them, in criticism), the sexual extremists of the hippy-movement, which is another fabrication and slander given Reich’s constant emphasis upon the need for love in sexual relations. Reich did advocate things the conservatives don’t like, such as legalized abortion and contraception, and a de-criminalization of youthful romance, as with the Romeo and Juliet example (like it or not, as you will), but his ideas were equally offensive to liberal-progressive ideology, in that he also asserted homoeroticism and S&M were neuroses, and pedophilia a severe sickness against which children had to be protected. But Flynn cares not for facts, and his language in those sections goes typically jokey and sarcastic, which is a cover-up for ignorance. In a few places, he gave a few citations, but they absolutely do not support his views. His only cited reference for Reich was the biography by Myron Sharaf, Fury On Earth: A Biography Of Wilhelm Reich… but there’s nothing in the Sharaf book to support Flynn’s charges, and his citations do not check-out. Read the Sharaf book for yourself, or Reich’s own later writings for details, such as The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Reich Speaks Of Freud, or The Murder of Christ.

It would take pages to provide details, but every decent conservative will maybe be a bit uncomfortable with those extremists within their own group who would turn the clock so far back as to put us all under the boot-heel of the priesthood. Or to give the State even more power to prohibit divorce or contraception, and snoop into our bedrooms. Already we fight against such monstrosities as the TSA groping into our underwear, and the crushing oppression of Islamic Sharia Law as it enters the USA on the heels of progressive liberalism. Should we now want similar oppression by Christian extremists?

The phrase "Kinder, Kircher, Kucher"" comes to mind as what Flynn seems to wish for the USA, though he doesn’t come right out and say it. He merely bashes everything and everyone he considers might lead away from that, healthy or sick. So anyone who fought to legalize freedom to pick your own mate, or to divorce, or to use contraception, and to support women’s rights gets accused of supporting the most extremist of sick stuff, such as polygamy, "polymorphous perversity", and pedophilia. It is a "Kill ’em all and let God sort it out" approach to social criticism, which the reader should beware about. As an alternative, read Jonah Goldberg’s excellent volume Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning. It covers much of the same territory, but without the sarcasm, giving a much better education on the issues with accurate citations. And it has no sexual slander to contaminate the important message.


Related material:

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Advocating Slavery, Racism, Ethnic Hatreds, War and Genocide
Mocking Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Equality
Contempt for the Poor, Workers, Farmers, Moderates
The Hidden History of Marx and Engels.

The Hidden History of Marx and Engels

October 27, 2010

From a work in progress, "Saharasia Since 1900" by J. DeMeo
a continuance from the original book Saharasia.
(Photo from a tapestry in the Stazi Museum, Berlin Germany)

Karl Marx and Frederich Engels

Advocating Slavery, Racism, Ethnic Hatreds, War and Genocide

Mocking Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Equality

Contempt for the Poor, Workers, Farmers, Moderates

The Hidden History of Marx and Engels.

Below is given a selection of quotes taken from various books and websites, not a comprehensive list by any measure, but indicative of what the Founding Fathers of Marxist Communist Collectivism were thinking and advocating. I’ve debated this material with several Marx-friendly associates and friends, and in every case they were adamant that Marx and Engels were good and decent sorts, while all blame for the horrors of the Russian Revolution, and later communist tyranny elsewhere, falls to the likes of Stalin and Mao Zedong. Certainly, those latter two dictators perfected the arts of communist slaughter. However, the quotes given below are prima facia evidence that both Marx and Engels knew very exactly that, in order for their communism to work, it had to be pushed into society with extreme violence, and also to undertake a "revolutionary holocaust" of the "racial trash" and "counter-revolutionary" peoples who would have the audacity to refuse the communist utopia.

Criticisms have been mounted against these quotes to follow, such as:

1. They are cherry-picked. Certainly the quotes to follow are selected out from their publications for the sole reason of their alarming nature. But there are no other group of publications which stand as a corrective, and which are being ignored. Did these men issue retractions or corrections? No. Not once so far as I can determine. If a man curses "Jews" and "nig*ers", and rages that whole ethnic groups and peoples he doesn’t like should be exterminated, and does so in not just private letters but in published articles which get widely circulated among his followers – but never once says "Oh God what a stupid thing I just said", or "I was drunk or feeling awful and must retract that" – then should we ignore those statements as uncharacteristic? Should we rest easy with the claim that the quotes are "cherry picked" in an effort to say, the quotes don’t really mean what they say?

2. They are mistranslated No, the quotes are accurate, and it is up to the defenders of Marx-Engels to clarify exactly where some problem might exist in translation. These materials are often found on pro-Marx and pro-Communism websites, so the hard-left people certainly don’t have much problem with them. In fact, I will argue, that genocidal butchery of their enemies today – the conservatives, religious people, "counter-revolutionaries", capitalists, and so on – is a part of their current agendas and goals.

3. They are isolated examples without meaning to larger Marxist theory. The example is given, if Picasso or Van Gogh were Jew-haters and black-racists, muttering ethnic hatreds to commit genocide, this would not undervalue their art. Or if Edison or Ford held anti-Jewish sentiments (and with Ford, it was very true!) that this would not negate their inventions. This certainly has some truth. But Marx and Engels were not inventors of devices or artwork irrelevant to their social ideas. They helped create social movements and proposed new collectivist social institutions which, in detailed arguments and theory, laid out how this or that ethnic group was to be treated. They anticipated that certain ethnic groups or populations would resist collectivism, and so understood the "necessity" for mass-murder to implement their cherished communism. It was understood, their utopian goals and aspirations could only be implemented by great violence. And indeed, history shows great violence was used in every single case where Marxist Communism was implemented. So the statements of Marx and Engels openly advocating social violence as a "means to the ends", are extremely important and there is no reason one should shy away from taking them at their word. The importance is ten-fold increased when considering how modern Marxists try to white-wash the crimes of the communist dictatorships, even while trying to re-institute new Socialism, as a precursor to later Communism, within the world’s liberal democratic republics today.

Personally speaking, I feel these quotes must be taken at face value, that the writers meant what they said. There’s no need to look for "hidden meanings" and they cannot be softened down in meaning or intention by excuse-making. It is all quite transparently clear what they mean. And this becomes especially clear when one considers what Marxist-communism became in every single case it was undertaken: A totalitarian nightmare of mass-murder and enslavement of entire nations and peoples, with a wiping out of the middle class.

The theme of murder and chaos being necessary for communism to succeed, that "counter-revolutionaries" and certain whole racial or ethnic groups were low-life scum who should be eradicated, and that democracy, liberty and freedom were contemptible institutions, all got started with Marx and Engels. The quotes below document how this ugly attitude towards the "non-believer" in Marxism got started with Marx and his earliest followers, and was not something added-on or invented years later by Lenin or Stalin. It therefore proves the structural nature of genocidal violence right within the core of Marxist thought. Taking away private property from entire social groups, for example, cannot proceed without extreme violence involving thugs with guns who shoot dead those who resist. And this is hardly different from a street criminal who demands a stranger hand over his wallet, with threat of bodily harm or murder.

Today, the Marxist left tries to conceal these ugly facts, even while making political alliances with totalitarians overseas, in the hard-communist and Islamic nations. The hard-left also is today the major carrier of the virus of Jew-hatred, even if black racism has been fairly well eradicated in most of the USA and Europe. But one cannot say that the hard-left is particularly helpful for the aspirations and well-being of black Americans, or any other social group. The message as it is handed down to us from Marx-Engels (and Trotsky also, as I will expose in another communication later on) is one of immense hatred against minority groups across the board, and this attitude has been transmitted and preserved down the years by all kinds of Marxist, communist and socialist organizations. So everyone at the leadership level of the hard-left groups knows fully well, that extreme violence is anticipated and expected in order for their Marxism to "work", even if public propaganda to win over the "workers" and the contemptuously treated (but manipulated) "lumpenproletariat" promises everyone the Moon, or Heaven on Earth. What they got was always just the opposite. Prison states where a living Hell was created.

A simple consideration of the Marx-Engels book-pamphlet Communist Manifesto, perhaps the most widely read of their publications, reinforces this critical understanding. The central tenets and points for institution of any authentically Marxist communist state would clearly require extreme violence with mass-killings to put it into place. Ordinary people, world-wide, want to enjoy the fruits of their own labor, to control their own lives and destiny, and this demands that THEY, "the people" retain ownership of their own private property. And there is a value to having wealthy people also, as only they have the power to stand up to the power of The State, when the State is taken over by power-drunk bullies and criminals. And if there is collective social actions to use their property for the common good, as with honest taxation through representative government, those ordinary people want a say in who is elected, and so forth. The "dictatorship of the proletariat" is merely a sham for Red Fascism, a committee of petty pistolero dictators, out of which one of them will certainly prove to be the most ruthless of the bunch, and rise to the top. Only "they", the proletariat pistoleros get to become the dictators. Everyone else gets to become a slave of the State, under Marxist organization – and both Marx and Engels knew this well, and both argued and organized for it, even while their primary books Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital make only cloaked references to such methods and agendas, and did not include the kinds of terrible racist genodical talk as I document below.

Perhaps serfs and slaves living under rigid Tzars or other dictators might find the Communist Party something appealing. Maybe some living under Islamic tyranny would find a Communist tyranny a bit more expansive, and certainly this might be true for women, who currently live as slaves within Islamic nations. But in every case, the people who rallied around the Marxist-Communist flag suffered just as much as those who did not, from the Great Betrayal of life, love, and freedom, known as Communist Socialism.

The Meaning of the Marx-Engels Quotations to Wilhelm Reich’s "Work Democracy"

To those friendly to the work of Wilhelm Reich, as I am myself, and who note Reich’s own embrace of Marxism during his early life, and his rejection of Stalinism and the Communist disasters – from my detailed review of the matter, it seems clear Reich did not know of these quotations. So far as I can determine, there are no references to any of the books or journal materials in which these quotations appeared, in any of Reich’s writings, neither the actual quotations nor citations to the articles in which they appeared. This is not unexpected, since the various genocide quotes were written mostly in private letters, foreign newspapers and published articles by Marx and Engels long before Reich was born, rather than into their several major books which were widely read by Marxists of that day. But I would also argue, the leadership of Marxists and Communist Party movements around the world knew this material, even as contained in the private correspondence of Marx-Engels, which were hoarded and safeguarded by those Marxist movements, who translated them into multiple languages and distributed them world-wide. The genocide quotations appear to have conditioned the tone and agendas of Marxist movements, and also became a part of the spoken tradition of Marxism. The exact personal writings and obscure publications of Marx-Engels have always been hoarded and poured over for enlightenment by the most deep core believers in Marxism, much as religious people pour over their respective holy books, from which guidance is obtained.

But Reich’s ideas on free human societies came more from Malinowski’s writings on the Trobriand Islands, and A.S. Neill’s work with free schools in England, as well as from his deep background in Freudian psychoanalysis, and his own new clinical and social findings. All of these carried an emphasis upon human sexuality, love, the needs of mothers and babies, and of children, and all in a language which was foreign to the typical Marxist sentiments and jargon. One might find the occasional mention in Marxist literature, where such issues as Reich raised were given some scant appreciation. But mostly, women and children were to become merely emotionless cogs in a Marxist social machinery. And for those very reasons, Reich progressively began to distance himself from the rigid tenets of Marxist economic determinism, and became anti-communist in sentiments, starting shortly after his first visit to the Soviet Union in 1929. From then onwards, it became increasingly clear to him that the Soviets and German communists were anti-freedom in basic nature, and not just on the issues of sexual freedom or the raising of healthy children, which was of foremost importance to Reich. And the suspicious sentiments were mutual. The Communist Party of Germany expelled Reich from their membership around the same time. We also know some things today that Reich did not, namely that the NKVD (forerunner of the KGB) was tracking Reich thereafter when he moved from Germany into Scandinavia, putting him on a death-list. And we know also how American communists went after Reich with a vengeance following the 1946 publication of an English version of his Mass Psychology of Fascism, which spoke about communists as Red Fascist, exposing their anti-freedom agendas. For details and citations on that, see my article
New Evidence on the Persecution and Death of Wilhelm Reich

While Reich continued to believe Marx had some important things to offer the world all the way to the end of his life, he powerfully rejected the "ism" of Marx. He became a staunch anti-Communist and loathed the deceitful left-wing and sneaky fascist-apologist sentiments of liberalism. I would lay the argument, if Reich had known of the material which follows, these horrible quotes from Marx and Engels advocating genocide and expressing outrageous race-hatred, he would probably have reacted with revulsion – as I and many others have – and then fully dissociated himself from Marx and Marxist thinking. And from there, with a bit of research, Reich could have discovered what others have, that "Marxist" claims on dialectic materialism, which were productively used in Reich’s own thinking and experiments and later emerged as the important method of orgonomic functionalism, was factually developed into Western philosophy well before Marx and Engels. Such ideas began at least as early as the ancient Greeks. Marx and Engels were not the originators of those useful concepts, no more than they originated the "value added" concept, which was known and understood by every exploited laborer or craftsman since the ancient times of feudalism. Neither Marx nor Engels were the originators of the many social-reform movements, which pre-dated them and in fact blossomed into the public consciousness with generalized rebellion and revolution against the power of Kings going back hundreds of years. The American and French Revolutions were two such social movements which owe nothing to Marx or Engels, and many others followed. Marxists everywhere exploited those social-freedom movements, however, generally by use of lies and skullduggery, shooting their way into power, and diverting them from freedom-oriented goals towards their own bloody dictatorial ends.

By my own impression, Marx and Engels come off as rather disgusting characters filled with hatred for the whole world, and just boiling over with a rage and lust for power, and really wanting a big bloody genocidal war, to "punish the non-believers" who had rejected their beloved communism. Nobody here would want them to baby-sit their children, much less turn to them for guidance on how the world should be run, or hand them the keys to power. And virtually every Marxist social movement which was successful in grabbing power behaved in a manner congruent with this unflattering picture of the two men, as emerges from their own lesser-known writings.

More will be said on this in a later context, but for now, it becomes increasingly important that the unmasked and true characters of Marx and Engels be understood by all those who currently view them as "friends of the worker" or "friends of human freedom". They were not.

More later. Read and learn.

James DeMeo, PhD

PS. If anyone cares to try and refute any of the quotations given below, they are welcome to send me whatever documentation they feel requires a change or retraction. My commitment here is to the facts, not to any political ideology, save for exposure of certain dangerous political agendas which are currently at work on the global scene. If warranted, I will make whatever changes are necessary such that this essay remains true to the facts of history, even if that means nearly all the quotes were wrong, and I would be proven 100% wrong. However, if all the critic can do is to repeat the kinds of "reasons why these quotes should be ignored" and which merely repeat the excuses already given above, then I should feel justified to leave everything here unchanged. I should also claim, as Reich did himself, "the right to be wrong, without being hung by the neck for it." Having said that, however, I have a high confidence that nothing is wrong with either the presentation of quotations below, nor in my interpretation as to their meaning. Though if the Marxists ever do grab full power, they would surely try to hang me for it anyway.

Within the next week, I shall also post this entire essay to a new OBRL webpage, where it can be indexed by the various search engines. In the meanwhile, it will remain available via the OBRL-blog at wordpress.


Karl Marx and Frederich Engels

Advocating Slavery, Racism, Ethnic Hatreds, War and Genocide

Mocking Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Equality

Contempt for the Poor, Workers, Farmers, Moderates

Assembled by James DeMeo, PhD

Organized Chronologically

Additions or corrections are welcomed.

NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. It was gathered from various internet sites where others had already done most of the work, and from a half-dozen books in the author’s library. It should only be considered a bare-bones start of research into the question of the Marx-Engels responsibility for, and willful planning for, what tyrants and useful idiots call the "Communist Utopia" but which the rest of honest humanity will know as the "Revolutionary Holocaust", which claimed over 100 million lives in the 20th Century.

Reference sources and websites are given where additional information, often including the original German language and context, can be found. Most all of these quotes are found at the website, with English translations, and are very much favored to and promoting of communism. Other with either identical of slightly different translation come from George Watson, from the website, and are critical of communism. Nevertheless, they both pretty much agree on the content of the quotations, even if they develop radically different interpretations of their importance and meaning. My native German-speaking wife, and several of my friends in Germany have also read the German originals, and inform me these Marx-Engels quotes carry an even greater viciousness and repellent tone in the original German, than they do in the English translations, which tends to soften them down somewhat.

I also feel compelled to issue an apology to the reader for the necessity to quote verbatim the more extreme race-hatred quotations of Marx and Engels. But there is no getting around this problem, and for me to try and soften their words or to delete their expletives would detract from both their intensity and meanings.

Read and decide for yourself.

Emphasis added in a few cases, in bold. Quotations organized chronologically.


This is our calling, that we shall become the templars of this Grail, gird the sword round our loins for its sake and stake our lives joyfully in the last, holy war which will be followed by the thousand-year reign of freedom.
– Frederich Engels, "Schelling and Revelation: Conclusion", 1841
See entry of 29 Dec. 2004 in

True, it is a fixed idea with the French that the Rhine is their property, but to this arrogant demand the only reply worthy of the German nation is Arndt’s: "Give back Alsace and Lorraine". For I am of the opinion, perhaps in contrast to many whose standpoint I share in other respects, that the reconquest of the German-speaking left bank of the Rhine is a matter of national honour, and that the Germanisation of a disloyal Holland and of Belgium is a political necessity for us. Shall we let the German nationality be completely suppressed in these countries, while the Slavs are rising ever more powerfully in the East?
– Frederich Engels, "Telegraph für Deutschland" No. 5, January 1841
See entry of 28 Dec. 2004 in

The French Revolution was the rise of democracy in Europe. Democracy is, as I take all forms of government to be, a contradiction in itself, an untruth, nothing but hypocrisy (theology, as we Germans call it), at the bottom. Political liberty is sham-liberty, the worst possible sort of slavery; the appearance of liberty, and therefore the worst servitude. Just so also is political equality for me; therefore democracy, as well as every other form of government, must ultimately break to pieces.
– Frederich Engels, "Frankreich", 1843
See entry of 3 Jan 2005. in

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. … What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
– Karl Marx, On the Jewish Question, 1844. See entry of 31 Dec. 2004 in

Firstly, the farmers, the most stupid set of people in existence, who, clinging to feudal prejudices, burst forth in masses, ready to die rather than cease to obey those whom they, their fathers and grandfathers, had called their masters; and submitted to be trampled on and horse-whipped by.
– Friedrich Engels, "Deutsche Zustände", 1845
See entry of 4 Jan 2005 in

The proletarians, driven to despair, will seize the torch which Stephens has preached to them; the vengeance of the people will come down with a wrath of which the rage of 1795 gives no true idea. The war of the poor against the rich will be the bloodiest ever waged.
– Frederich Engels, Condition of the Working Class in England, 1845
See entry of 5 Jan. 2005 in

As for slavery, there is no need for me to speak of its bad aspects. The only thing requiring explanation is the good side of slavery. I do not mean indirect slavery, the slavery of proletariat; I mean direct slavery, the slavery of the Blacks in Surinam, in Brazil, in the southern regions of North America. Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns as are machinery, credit, etc. Slavery is therefore an economic category of paramount importance.
– Karl Marx, Letter to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov, December 28, 1846
See entry of 29 Jan. 2007

the very cannibalism of the counterrevolution will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terrorism.
– Karl Marx, "The Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, November 7, 1848.
See entry of 29 Jan. 2007

By the same right under which France took Flanders, Lorraine and Alsace, and will sooner or later take Belgium – by that same right Germany takes over Schleswig; it is the right of civilization as against barbarism, of progress as against stability. Even if the agreements were in Denmark’s favor – which is very doubtful-this right carries more weight than all the agreements, for it is the right of historical evolution.
– Frederich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 10. Sep. 1848
See entry of 8 Jan. 2005 in

And as for the Jews, who since the emancipation of their sect have everywhere put themselves, at least in the person of their eminent representatives, at the head of the counter-revolution – what awaits them?
– Karl Marx , Neue Rheinische Zeitung 17. Nov. 1848

Every provisional political set-up following a revolution requires a dictatorship, and an energetic dictatorship at that.
– Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung 14. Sep. 1848
See entry of 9 Jan. 2005 in

Among all the nations and sub-nations of Austria, only three standard-bearers of progress took an active part in history, and are still capable of life – the Germans, the Poles and the Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary. All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary holocaust ["world storm" ? J.D.] For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary. these residual fragments of peoples always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character [A general war will] wipe out all these racial trash [Völkerabfälle – original was given at Marxist websites as "petty hidebound nations" J.D.] down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.
– Friedrich Engels, "The Magyar Struggle," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, January 13, 1849
Note this article and quote is often attributed to Marx. According to the website, it was firstly printed in English in the book: Karl Marx, The Revolutions of 1848, Political Writings Vol. 1, London, Penguin Books, 1973.
But this website is run by devoted communists who, by the complaints of others, have censored or altered materials unflattering to key founding figures of communism. Some translations also use the term "revolutionary world storm" instead of "revolutionary holocaust", though by what I am informed from native German speakers, they both have about the same meaning. The word "Holocaust" has been pinned so exclusively to the Nazis, however, there seems to be a reluctance in some quarters to see this word put into the mouth of the founding figures of communism. However, such a word clearly is suitable when referencing what the communists actually did once they got power. The Stalinists and Maoists in fact created a much bigger "Holocaust" in their respective nations than did the followers of Hitler. J.D.
See entry of 15 Jan. 2005 for the original German at and the entry of 29 Jan. 2007 and 24 Dec. 2004 for alternative translations.

We discovered that in connection with these figures the German national simpletons and money-grubbers of the Frankfurt parliamentary swamp always counted as Germans the Polish Jews as well, although this dirtiest of all races, neither by its jargon nor by its descent, but at most only through its lust for profit, could have any relation of kinship with Frankfurt.
– Frederich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29. Apr. 1849
See entry of 17 Jan.2005 in

Germans and Magyars [of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] untied all these small, stunted and impotent little nations into a single big state and thereby enabled them to take part in a historical development from which, left to themselves, they would have remained completely aloof! Of course, matters of this kind cannot be accomplished without many a tender national blossom being forcibly broken. But in history nothing is achieved without violence and implacable ruthlessness… In short, it turns out these "crimes" of the Germans and Magyars against the said Slavs are among the best and most praiseworthy deeds which our and the Magyar people can boast in their history.
– Frederich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 February 1849:
See the entry of 6 April 2005 in

To the sentimental phrases about brotherhood which we are being offered here on behalf of the most counter-revolutionary nations of Europe, we reply that hatred of Russians was and still is the primary revolutionary passion among Germans; that since the revolution hatred of Czechs and Croats has been added, and that only by the most determined use of terror against these Slav peoples can we, jointly with the Poles and Magyars, safeguard the revolution. … Then there will be a struggle, an "unrelenting life-and-death struggle" against those Slavs who betray the revolution; an annihilating fight and most determined terrorism – not in the interests of Germany, but in the interests of the revolution!
– Frederich Engels, "Democratic Pan-Slavism" Neue Rheinische Zeitung 15. Feb. 1849
See entry of 16 Jan. 2005 and 3 April 2005 in

only by the most determined use of terror against these Slav peoples can we, jointly with the Poles and Magyars, safeguard the revolution there will be a struggle, an ‘inexorable life-and-death struggle,’ against those Slavs who betray the revolution; an annihilating fight and ruthless terror – not in the interests of Germany, but in the interests of the revolution!
– Friedrich Engels, "Democratic Pan-Slavism, Continued," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 16 February 1849
See entry of 29 Jan. 2007 in

We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.
– Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels "Suppression of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, May 19, 1849
See entry of 29 Jan. 2007


Removed and expelled members, like suspect individuals in general, are to be watched in the interest of the League, and prevented from doing harm. Intrigues of such individuals are at once to be reported to the community concerned.
– Rules written by Karl Marx and others for the Communist League (Art. 42) 1850:
See entry of 18 Jan. 2005 in

It would perhaps be as well if things were to remain quiet for a few years yet, so that all this 1848 democracy has time to rot away.
– Karl Marx to Joseph Weydemayer, 27. Juni 1851
See entry of 20 Jan. 2005 in

May the devil take these peoples movements, especially when they are "peaceful"
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, 4. Feb. 1852
See entry of 21 Jan. 2005 in

There are no bigger donkeys than these workers…. Look at our "craftsmen"; Sad that world history should be be made with such people.
– Karl Marx to Adolf Cluss (letter, 20.Jul.1852):
See entry of 26 Jan. 2005 in

Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.
– Karl Marx in the New York Tribune 1853, "Forced Emigration":
See entry of 29 Jan. 2005 in

Even with Europe in decay, still a war should have roused the healthy elements; a war should have awakened a lot of hidden powers, and surely so much energy would have been present among 250 million people that at least a respectable battle would have occurred, in which both parties could have reaped some honor, as much honor as courage and bravery can gain on the battlefield.
– Karl Marx, Frederich Engels, "The Boring War", 1854:
See entry of 13 March 2005

Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew, as is every pope by a Jesuit. In truth, the cravings of oppressors would be hopeless, and the practicability of war out of the question, if there were not an army of Jesuits to smother thought and a handful of Jews to ransack pockets.
the real work is done by the Jews, and can only be done by them, as they monopolize the machinery of the loan-mongering mysteries by concentrating their energies upon the barter trade in securities Here and there and everywhere that a little capital courts investment, there is ever one of these little Jews ready to make a little suggestion or place a little bit of a loan. The smartest highwayman in the Abruzzi is not better posted up about the locale of the hard cash in a traveler’s valise or pocket than those Jews about any loose capital in the hands of a trader The language spoken smells strongly of Babel, and the perfume which otherwise pervades the place is by no means of a choice kind.
Thus do these loans, which are a curse to the people, a ruin to the holders, and a danger to the governments, become a blessing to the houses of the children of Judah. This Jew organization of loan-mongers is as dangerous to the people as the aristocratic organization of landowners The fortunes amassed by these loan-mongers are immense, but the wrongs and sufferings thus entailed on the people and the encouragement thus afforded to their oppressors still remain to be told.
The fact that 1855 years ago Christ drove the Jewish moneychangers out of the temple, and that the moneychangers of our age enlisted on the side of tyranny happen again chiefly to be Jews, is perhaps no more than a historical coincidence. The loan-mongering Jews of Europe do only on a larger and more obnoxious scale what many others do on one smaller and less significant. But it is only because the Jews are so strong that it is timely and expedient to expose and stigmatize their organization.
– Karl Marx, "The Russian Loan", New York Daily Tribune on January 4, 1856
See entry of 20 May 2009 in

Those dogs of democrats and liberal riff-raff will see that we’re the only chaps who haven’t been stultified by the ghastly period of peace.
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, 25 February 1859:
See entry of 11 Feb. 2005 in


This young lady, who instantly overwhelmed me with her kindness, is the ugliest creature I have seen in my entire life, with repulsive Jewish facial features.
– Karl Marx to Antoinette Philips, March 24, 1861:
See entry of 18 Feb. 2005 in

…the Jewish Nigger, Lassalle… it is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like.
– Letter from Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, July 1862, in reference to his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle,
See the entry of 5 Feb. 2005 in

The most interesting acquaintanceship I have struck up here is that of Colonel Lapinski. He is without doubt the cleverest Pole – besides being an homme d’action [man of action] – that I have ever met. His sympathies are all on the German side, though in manners and speech he is also a Frenchman. He cares nothing for the struggle of nationalities and only knows the racial struggle. He hates all Orientals, among whom he numbers Russians Turks, Greeks, Armenians, etc., with equal impartiality…. His aim now is to raise a German legion in London…
– Karl Marx To Frederich Engels, 12 September 1863:
See entry of 21 Feb. 2005 in

Our fatherland looks damned pitiful. Without a thrashing [war] from outside nothing can be achieved with these sons-of-bitches.
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, 12. September 1863:
see entry of 16 March 2005

Russia is a name usurped by the Muscovites. They are not Slavs; they do not belong to the Indo-Germanic race at all, they are des intrus [intruders], who must be chased back across the Dnieper, etc.
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, 1865:
See entry of 14 April 2005

I have arrived at the conviction that there is nothing to his [Tremaux’s] theory if for no other reason than because he neither understands geology nor is capable of the most ordinary literary historical criticism. One could laugh oneself sick about his stories of the nigger Santa Maria and of the transmutations of the whites into Negroes. Especially, that the traditions of the Senegal niggers deserve absolute credulity, just because the rascals cannot write! . . . Perhaps this man will prove in the second volume, how he explains the fact, that we Rhinelanders have not long ago turned into idiots and niggers on our own Devonian Transition rocks . . . Or perhaps he will maintain that we are real niggers.
– Frederich Engels to Karl Marx, October 2, 1866
See the entry of 22 April 2005 in

I will chew out Wilhelm [Liebknecht] with a few lines about his feebleness. For what we want is exactly the demise of the "Social-Democrat" and of all that Lassalle-crap.
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, February 10. 1866:
see entry of 23 Feb. 2005 in


The Lumpenproletariat [rag-proletariat], this residue of the degenerated members of all classes that has its headquarters in the big cities, is the worst of all possible allies. This riff-raff is totally for sale and totally obnoxious.
– Karl Marx: "General Council to the Federal Council of Romance Switzerland", 1870:
See entry of 24 Feb. 2005 in

The French need a thrashing. If the Prussians win, the centralisation of the state power will be useful for the centralisation of the German working class. German predominance would also transfer the centre of gravity of the workers’ movement in Western Europe from France to Germany, and one has only to compare the movement in the two countries from 1866 till now to see that the German working class is superior to the French both theoretically and organisationally. Their predominance over the French on the world stage would also mean the predominance of our theory over Proudhon’s, etc.
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, July 20, 1870:
See entry of 26 April 2005

Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is an act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon, all of which are highly authoritarian means. And the victorious party must maintain its rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionaries. Would the Paris Commune have lasted more than a day if it had not used the authority of the armed people against the bourgeoisie? Cannot we, on the contrary, blame it for having made too little use of that authority?
– Frederich Engels: Controversy with the Anarchists, 1873
See the entry of 1 Jan. 2005 in

The man is too wise. And on top of that, such offensive, vulgar, democratic arguments! To denigrate violence as something to be rejected, when we all know that in the end nothing can be achieved without violence!
– Frederich Engels to Wilhelm Blos, February 21, 1874:
See the entry of 27 Feb. 2005 in

That a host of somewhat muddled and purely democratic demands should figure in the programme, some of them being of a purely fashionable nature – for instance "legislation by the people" such as exists in Switzerland and does more harm than good, if it can be said to do anything at all…. Now, since the state is merely a transitional institution of which use is made in the struggle, in the revolution, to keep down one’s enemies by force, it is utter madness to speak of a free people’s state; so long as the proletariat still makes use of the state, it makes use of it, not for the purpose of freedom, but of keeping down its enemies.
– Frederich Engels to August Bebel, March 18-28, 1875:
See entry of 28 Feb. 2005 in

The compromise with the followers of Lassalle has also led to compromises with other half-baked elements, () but also with a whole gang of immature students and overly wise PhDs who want to give a "higher, ideal" twist to socialism, i.e. to replace its materialistic foundation through modern mythology with their goddesses of Justice, Liberty, Equality and fraternité [brotherhood] …. The workers themselves, when they give up working and become professional literati like Mr. Most and his ilk, always incite "theoretical" trouble and are always ready to attach themselves to muddleheads from the alleged "learned" caste.
– Karl Marx to Friedrich Adolph Sorge, October 19, 1877:
See entry of 5 March 2005 in

For when the little chap (Wedde) was in London for the first time I used the expression "modern mythology" to describe the goddesses of "Justice, Freedom, Equality, etc." who were now all the rage again; this made a deep impression on him, as he has himself done much in the service of these higher beings.
– Karl Marx to Frederich Engels, 1 August 1877:
See entry of 4 March 2005 in

Well, then, to carry out the principles of socialism do its believers advocate assassination and bloodshed? "No great movement," Karl answered, "has ever been inaugurated Without Bloodshed."
– Interview with Karl Marx, Chicago Tribune, January 5 1879:
See entry of 6 March 2005 in


Don’t forget any affront done to you and to all our people, the time of revenge will come and must be put to good use.
– Frederich Engels to August Bebel, 25 August 1881:
See entry of 9 March 2005 in

If, for instance, among us the mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child, and in no need of proof from experience, this is solely the result of "accumulated inheritance." It would be difficult to teach them by a proof to a bushman or Australian negro.
– Frederich Engels. "Notes to Anti-Duehring" 1883.
See the entry of 30 March 2005 in

The redeeming feature of war is that it puts a nation to the test. As exposure to the atmosphere reduces all mummies to instant dissolution, so war passes supreme judgment upon social systems that have outlived their vitality.
– Marx, Sept 24, 1885 The Eastern Question
See entry of 24 April 2005 in

"The capitalist knows that all commodities, however scurvy they may look, or however badly they may smell, are in faith and in truth money, inwardly circumcised Jews, and what is more, a wonderful means whereby out of money to make more money."
– Karl Marx, Das Kapital, (published after his death), Volume One, Part II: The Transformation of Money and Capital CHAPTER FOUR: THE GENERAL FORMULA FOR CAPITAL:
See entry of 26 Feb. 2005 in

Being in his quality as a nigger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district.
– Letter from Frederich Engels to Karl Marx’s daughter, Laura, speaking about her husband Paul Lafargue, April 1887, who ran for public office in a district holding the Paris Zoo. Engels felt license to write such filth to Laura (Marx) Lafargue, because Karl Marx himself had violently opposed her marriage to "a nigger". Marx referenced Lafargue as "the little negro" or "the gorilla". Jenny Marx, the mother, wrote to Engels that she hoped her daughter would not have "ten little nigger boys". Apparently this kind of hard-racism ran in the Marx family, except for Laura Marx.
See the entry of 23 April 2005 in

No war is any longer possible for Prussia-Germany except a world war and a world war indeed of an extent and violence hitherto undreamt of. Eight to ten millions of soldiers will massacre one another and in doing so devour the whole of Eurepe until they have stripped it barer than any swarm of locusts has ever done. The devastations of the Thirty Years’ War compressed into three or four years, and spread over the whole Continent; famine, pestilence, general demoralisation both of the armies and of the mass of the people produced by acute distress; hopeless confusion of our artificial machinery in trade, industry and credit, ending in general bankruptcy; collapse of the old states and their traditional state wisdom to such an extent that crowns will roll by dozens on the pavement and there will be no body to pick them up; absolute impossibility of foreseeing how it will all end and who will come out of the struggle as victor; only one result is absolutely certain: general exhaustion and the establishment of the conditions for the ultimate victory of the working class.
– Frederich Engels, London, December 15, 1887:
See entry of 28 April 2005 in

Also see:

"Marx/Engels and Racism" by W. H. Chaloner & W. O. Henderson, Encounter of July 1975, pages 18-23. Reproduced in the 7 July 2007 entry at

"Never Blame the Left", by George Watson

There are many other quotes from Engels expressing contempt and arrogant moral superiority towards other groups, such as the Slavs, the natives of India and China ("heredity stupidity"), Irish ("little above the savage…favoring drunkenness… a people related in their whole character to the Latin nations, to the French, and especially to the Italians"), Scandinavians ("rudeness… perpetual drunkenness"), Balkan peoples ("This miserable debris of former nations, Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks and other thieving rabble, whom the liberal Philistine raves about in the interest of the Russians, deny each other the very air they are breathing, and have to slit each others’ greedy throats."), Turks ("This splendid territory has the misfortune to be inhabited by a conglomerate of different races and nationalities, of which it is hard to say which is the least fit for progress and civilization." ) etc.
See the entries for April 2005 at

George Watson made note that Marx and Engels typically used the English pejorative "nigger" which was well known as extremely derogatory among authentic social reformers at that time, in addition to occasionally also using the benign "negro". Even in the mid-1800s, given the struggles by some Christian groups to abolish the black slavery which existed in the Americas and Europe, abolition was a hot topic in newspapers. The rights of man and issues about equality and race-theory were hotly discussed. The British Empire abolished slavery in 1833. So Marx and Engels were expressing clearly racist attitudes for those times, using language most educated people were dropping away in public discourse, and which social reformers would have denounced them for using. But… as we see from their quotations, they didn’t care much for the fate of black slaves, nor for the "bleeding hearts" of authentic liberals.

Michael Ezra, a conservative writer, has an article which details much of this also, with added context, including Marx’s Jew-hatred:
Karl Marx: Radical Antisemitism
with Part II

Related Information: The Soviet Story

History Lessons: The Revolutionary Holocaust and Soviet Story

February 27, 2010

The 20th Century saw the irruption of three major totalitarian impulses, leading to massive war, genocide and death. Nazism, Marxist-Communism, and Islam. All three cooperated with each other towards their shared goals of global conquest, even as they also fought against each other. One of them is gone, but two more remain with us, continuing their slaughter and global trouble-making.

Of the three, the youngest one — Nazism or National Socialism — was destroyed upon its effort to conquer Europe. Most people will know and loathe the Nazi movement, and are glad it is gone. I fully agree.

However, the philosophy of Marx-Engels, which in fact always was a totalitarian impulse, and which led to a slaughter of human life maybe four times as great as that of the Nazis, hardly gets any criticism at all. In some faux-intellectual circles, Communism is "fashionable", chic! and something the coffey-house revolutionaries will have "interesting conversations" about, even as they hungrily devour, believe and recommend to others the primary modern propagandists for hard Red Fascism — such as Howard Zinn or Noam Chomsky. But the excuse is always made, the wonderful ideas of Marx and Engels were perverted by a bad Stalin and bad Mao. And Trotsky tried to stop Stalin, and would have been different if he had got the power. Those also are Marxist lies. Marx and Engels knew fully well that bloodshed and violence would be necessary to institute their Communism, and they wrote about this issue explicitly in their lesser-known articles and papers. The primary "Ten Points" of their Communist Manifesto, which is perhaps the most widely-read of their publications, could never be implemented on a voluntary basis, and would by their very nature require mass killings and dictatorship. (Read it for yourself, here, if you haven’t, and then realize how YOU would be turned into a worker-bee at gunpoint, by non-working hooligans-in-government.) And Trotsky, who came later, showed his true soul by taking the job as Lenin’s executioner, as Top Generalisimo of the drunken mob of pistoleros known as the Red Army, who slaughtered, on his orders, not just hundreds of thousands of "counter revolutionary agitators" but anyone who dared to resist their communism, including their families and children. As with the Kronstadt sailors, who supported Trotsky, but in the end finally realized what a monster they had created. Too Late!! Every Marxist-Communist state which ever has been established was forced to shoot its way into power, and then to liberally use the gun to stay in power. They knew "Revolutionary Terror" (their term) was "the way", even as "peace-Marxism" was the propaganda.

The facts on this are now out and known, thanks to the marvels of internet. The old "rumpled suit" scholars whom everyone ignored over decades now have a voice, to counter the Red-supporting revisionism as it comes from the beauty-masked Hollywood stars, and Red-inspired textbooks. Some aspects of global Communism were defeated when brave souls in the old East Block and Soviet Union finally stood up and said "Enough!" But we still have Red Fascism in the slave-states of Mainland China, SE Asia, North Korea, and Cuba, with parts of Latin America sliding precariously close to the same. And many in Europe and North America hungrily want Marxism as well.

Islam is the oldest of the three totalitarianisms, more clearly Saharasian in formulation and impulse. While its largest organized expression — the Ottoman Empire — was swept away and destroyed after WW-I, the diverse nations created from that rotting corpse remained in unified spirit through the repressive cement of global Islam. Islam was the central ideology and organizing principle for Ottoman dictatorship, by virtue of the claimed mantle of authority over the global Islamic Umma, or Caliphate. Today, under the organizational structure of the Muslim Brotherhood and its dozens of splinter terrorist groups, Islam is reconstituting the Caliphate even as the various "Nationalist" institutional structures remain in place as a facade, to acquire foreign aid and technology from the very infidel nations they seek to overwhelm. It is expansionist and aggressive, creating havoc and murder along their borders, and just as with Nazism and Communism, hungry for conquest of new territory.

The evidence for this configuration is overwhelming, for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear. But of course, reliance upon the mainstream media is tantamount to eating the free fodder in the stockyard, but never casting a gaze towards the slaughter-house. The Awful Truth, reported daily with depressing regularity, is typically found here:

For today, however, the history lesson is about global Communism only.

Here are two excellent documentary DVDs, which provide a summary of the problem.

Recommendation #1

The Soviet Story, directed by Edvins Snore, is an even more heavily documented review of the role of Marx-Engels ideology in the later Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin genocides. Here’s a descriptive blurb from the producer:

This award-winning documentary by director Edvins Snore and tells the story of the Soviet regime and how the Soviet Union helped Nazi Germany instigate the Holocaust. Other subjects covered by the film include: – The Great Famine in Ukraine (1932/33) – The Katyn massacre (1940) – The SS-KGB partnership – French Communists and the Nazis – Soviet mass deportations – Medical experiments in the GULAG. The Soviet Story was filmed over 2 years in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Germany, France, UK and Belgium. The film includes recently uncovered archive documents as well as interviews with former Soviet Military intelligence officials. As a result, The Soviet Story presents a truly unique insight into recent Soviet history, told by people, once Soviet citizens, who have first-hand knowledge of it.

Here’s a 4 minute YouTube introduction:

The full movie of 110 minutes is available for purchase as a DVD from the OBRL bookstore, here:

The Soviet Story is also available from

Recommendation #2

The Revolutionary Holocaust – this one is posted free on internet. It is a documentary organized by the conservative radio-talker and Fox News opinionater, Glen Beck. Regardless of what you think of him on other issues, the Revolutionary Holocaust is accurate and substantial, developed through consultation with world-class experts on the subject material, and I highly recommend it. He draws heavily upon the materials gathered by Edvin Snore in "The Soviet Story" above, but it contains much additional material.

Here’s a summary video:

And a website where the full program can be viewed:

Also here’s a page where you can review the sources and backgrounds of the contributing authorities.


Both of these documentaries carry quotes from Marx and Engels, Trotsky, and other leading liberal-left-socialists of the WW-II period, which are indistinguishable from those of Gobbels or Hitler. They document how the left-communists in fact implemented their slaughters and genocides for a period of around 20 years before the Hitlerites came to power, and then made happy alliances with Hitler in united opposition against the world’s liberal democracies, or emerging democracies. The Left-Socialists rode the coat-tails of the originally largely peaceful Russian Revolution, and then stepped in with the gun to throw out the moderate Kerensky, shooting their way into power, betraying everyone, and doing so exactly in the manner as Marx and Engels boasted would be necessary and desirable. They – the socialist left-wing and communists – not merely blandly expressed the view that large numbers of people, including entire ethnic groups would have to be exterminated in order for the "Revolution" to succeed, but once they got the chance, they actually began doing it. This "philosophy" started at the earliest periods of their organizations with Marx and Engels, and is not something which merely appeared later on, with Stalin. We all know Stalin and Mao were mass-murderers, but the role of Marx-Engels in laying the plans and being the architects for the "Revolutionary Holocaust", and that of Lenin as well as Trotsky in implementing the programs of slaughter well before Stalin gained power, has been systematically obscured by Marxist and Left-sympathetic writers. These documentaries help blow the lid off that cover-up.

I strongly suggest, do not watch these documentaries with children in the room. They are simply too brutal. But make sure any older teens who flirt with Marxism, or wear Che Guevara t-shirts, or whose teachers are recommending they read Red propaganda as a substitute for authentic history, get a complete look.

Here’s a few alarming but lesser-known quotations from the "founding fathers" of communism, which go to the core of the problem:

" the very cannibalism of the counterrevolution will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terrorism". – Karl Marx, "The Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, November 7, 1848.

"Among all the nations and sub-nations of Austria, only three standard-bearers of progress took an active part in history, and are still capable of life – the Germans, the Poles and the Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary. All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm [or "revolutionary
holocaust" J.D.] For that reason they are now counter-revolutionary. these residual fragments of peoples always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character [A general war will] wipe out all these racial trash [Völkerabfälle] down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward."
– Friedrich Engels, "The Magyar Struggle," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, January 13, 1849

"As for us, we were never concerned with the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the ‘sacredness of human life.’ We were revolutionaries in opposition, and have remained revolutionaries in power. … this problem can only be solved by blood and iron." – Leon Trotsky, Dictatorship Vs, Democracy (Terrorism and Communism): A Reply to Karl Kautsky, London: Workers Party of America, NY, 1922, p.63 (Reprint from a c.1920 London edition with the alarming title: In Defense of Terrorism) Reprint publication from Cornell University Library, Digital Collections Edition, NY, 2009.

Got that? See any difference here from Hitler or Gobbels? This is the unmasked face of Marx, Engels and Trotsky, well known to the central committee cadres of every Marxist- Left- Communist- Socialist organization on the planet, but concealed from their clamoring mobs of camp-followers and "useful idiots" (their term). And these are only three such quotes out of literally dozens of others, many far worse, overflowing with race-hatred, advocating black slavery and expressing Jew-hatred, etc. For added details on that see:

Marx and Friends in their Own Words:

More to come …..
