The French Just Aren’t Having Macron’s Tyrannical Apartheid Health Passports – Massive Protests All Throughout France!

August 17, 2021

The French Just Aren’t Having Macron’s Tyrannical Apartheid Health Passports – Massive Protests All Throughout France!

The Untold Story you won’t know about if you watch the Big Liars of the mainstream media. Police will be radically defunded this time around, for acting like Nazis. Be prepared for a shocker, that the most brutal sadistic police units are recruited among thugs in the Muslim districts.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

The ‘Vaccine Hesitant’ & ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ a Domestic Terrorism Threat – New Homeland Security Report Implies

August 14, 2021

The ‘Vaccine Hesitant’ & ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ a Domestic Terrorism Threat – New Homeland Security Report Implies

New American Gulag and name-lists forming up? By the definitions of the new "terrorism" it seems to be fingering anyone who is not a Democrat, Communist, Progressive, pro-vaxxer, Antifa, BLM or similar. So that leaves the conservatives, Trump supporters, religious people (excluding Muslims, of course), natural foods and natural medicine advocates, and Libertarians. They would turn the USA back in time, into a partitioned USA, free states and slave states, while calling it "freedom"

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Are the unvaxxed the ‘New Jews’? CDC Has Quarantine Camps in mind, already to go?

August 13, 2021

Are the unvaxxed the ‘New Jews’?

Who are the "new Jews" and who are the "new Nazis"? Mass insanity grips the world.

CDC Has Quarantine Camps in mind all ready to go?

And in case you did not know, according to this article, the serial liars and totalitarian freaks at the CDC do indeed have plans already drawn up for forced incarceration in quarantine camps of the unvaxxed and disobedient. It seems the "Conspiracy Theorists" were right all along.

Here it is, cloaked in Orwellian double-speak. Note the update, July 2020: "Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings"

More general info:

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

The Road to Totalitarianism

August 13, 2021

The Road to Totalitarianism

Here’s an essay about the Medical Police State in Europe, a bit more advanced than here in the USA, but is headed in our direction like a swarm of cruise missiles, launched from Washington DC.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated. The time before the nightmare.

August 13, 2021

This Is 1938: First, They Came for the Unvaccinated.
The time before the nightmare.

Read it. This is the New Normal, a deep mentally-ill sickness, promoted and created by the Medical Police State, an abnormal and deadly situation. Wake up.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Australia is a Penal Colony Once More

August 13, 2021

Australia is a Penal Colony Once More

Red Fascist Australia. First they took away the guns, and now you got this. A lesson for Americans. The Medical Police State forms itself along Red Fascist lines, and we know in the USA how the Anti-Democratic Party is deeply connected to the Communist Chinese via top Democrat pols, and the Chi-Coms to the president’s son by a $2 Billion retainer for doing nothing but having the Biden Name. But as Hunter Biden stated in emails, "25% goes to the Big Guy". Meanwhile, world-over, only a few police or sheriffs refuse to enforce such "edicts" (not laws passed by legislations), nor show they give a damn about freedom or human rights. Paid to beat the crap out of their own neighbors and friends, they do so, gladly. Where does it end? Read my book "Marx Engels Lenin Trotsky: Genocide Quotes" and you will know. Get it via most internet outlets.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Doctors warned that they could lose their license for contradicting CDC info on COVID treatments and vaccines

August 13, 2021

Doctors warned that they could lose their license for contradicting CDC info on COVID treatments and vaccines

Part 2: Exposing how the cut-throat compromised doctors are organizing to punish and destroy the humane and honest doctors who dare criticize the various unscientific mandates for masking, vaccines and so forth.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Healthcare professionals app Doximity promises crackdown after doctors are accused of sharing “misinformation”

August 13, 2021

Healthcare professionals app Doximity promises crackdown after doctors are accused of sharing “misinformation”

Part I: Exposing how the cut-throat compromised doctors are organizing to punish and destroy the humane and honest doctors who dare criticize the various unscientific mandates for masking, vaccines and so forth.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Mass Psychoses – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

August 10, 2021

Mass Psychoses – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

No humor in this one, but illuminating on how entire societies go insane. Communism. Nazism. Middle-Age Christianity. Islam over its entire history. A full list would yield a bloody review of human history starting 6000 years ago, after the great drying-up events of c.4000-3500 BC, when the Great Saharasian Desert Belt formed in human pre-history, turning a huge swath of wet and lush geography into parched bone-dry desert, also desertifying human emotion and character structure. Reich wrote about German and Soviet societies collapsing into collective mental illness in his Mass Psychology of Fascism, and other discussions on the Emotional Plague of mankind. He did so, even while temporarily self-blinded about the fundamentally Emotional Plague nature of Marxism-Leninism, something he corrected later in life. He’s not mentioned in this video, which draws upon insights and quotes from others (including Jung, which must be prior to his going Nazi). I also wrote much on how entire nations can go insane with hatreds and violence, drawing upon Reich, in my Saharasia book.

This video is an adjunct to those prior materials, touching upon both older and newer historical periods of widespread collective human insanity. The graphics are astonishing and alarming, and spot-on! It is a warning about the contemporary situation of the world’s one-time democracies, now descending into totalitarianism via crooked elections and the manufactured Hell of Covid Hysteria. And the puppet masters in the video are no mere illusions either, as we know from the new class of unelected billionaire dictators running Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, etc – the educated will know them as partners with the Communist Chinese and the Anti-Democratic Party. That our crookedly elected President is a demented soul, run by his own totalitarian puppet-masters, is historically apropos, as known in prior epochs of totalitarian rule. Nice to see we are not alone in this struggle, that large swaths of society see what’s going on, and find it an alarming point of resistance and action.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of totalitarian Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence: COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.

Eat the Cookies! EAT THE COOKIES, OR ELSE!!!

August 10, 2021

Eat the Cookies! EAT THE COOKIES, OR ELSE!!!

Eat the Cookies. Right Now. Eat them. EAT THE COOKIES!! EAT THE DAMN COOKIES!!!!

On Rumble, of course, too outrageous for YouTube to tolerate.

Get Dr. DeMeo’s important and controversial new book, critical of "Cookie Eating" Covid19 theory and mass hysteria, before it too, is censored out of existence:

COVID-19: A Pandemic of Ignorance, Fear, Hysteria and "Official Truth" Lies

For purchases, outside of the USA, please get the book from They offer low-cost or free international shipping.